Resonance Calculator

Calculate natural frequency, resonance, and response of spring-mass-damper systems. Analyze forced vibration parameters including damping ratio and dynamic amplification.

Spring-Mass-Damper System
Enter system parameters to calculate resonance properties
Calculation Results
Resonance properties and system response

Natural Frequency


Damping Ratio

Damped Natural Freq.


Resonant Frequency


Natural Period


Damped Natural Period


Amplitude Magnification Factor

Phase Angle


Critical Damping Coefficient


Damping Case

More Information
Understanding resonance and vibration in mechanical systems

About Spring-Mass-Damper Systems

A spring-mass-damper system is a mechanical system that exhibits vibration. It consists of three elements:


The spring provides a restoring force proportional to displacement (F = -kx). The spring constant (k) represents the stiffness of the spring, measured in units of force per distance (N/m).


The mass (m) provides inertia to the system. According to Newton's second law, force equals mass times acceleration (F = ma).


The damper (viscous damping) provides a force proportional to velocity (F = -cv), dissipating energy from the system. The damping coefficient (c) is measured in units of force per velocity (N·s/m).

System Classification

Based on Damping Ratio (ζ)

  • Undamped (ζ = 0): System oscillates indefinitely without energy loss.
  • Underdamped (0 < ζ < 1): System oscillates with decreasing amplitude. Most real-world systems fall into this category.
  • Critically Damped (ζ = 1): System returns to equilibrium as quickly as possible without oscillation. Used in applications requiring fast response without overshoot.
  • Overdamped (ζ > 1): System returns to equilibrium without oscillation, but more slowly than critically damped.

Equation of Motion

The governing differential equation for a spring-mass-damper system is:

m·ẍ + c·ẋ + k·x = F(t)


  • m = mass
  • c = damping coefficient
  • k = spring stiffness
  • F(t) = forcing function
  • x = displacement
  • ẋ = velocity (first derivative of x)
  • ẍ = acceleration (second derivative of x)

Response Types and Time Domain Solutions

Underdamped Response (ζ < 1)

Exhibits decaying oscillations:

x(t) = A·e-ζωn·t·sin(ωd·t + φ)


  • ωd = ωn·√(1-ζ²) = damped natural frequency
  • A = amplitude
  • φ = phase angle

Period of oscillation increases with damping:

τd = 2π/ωd

Critically Damped Response (ζ = 1)

Returns to equilibrium without oscillation:

x(t) = (A + Bt)·e-ωn·t


  • A = initial displacement (x₀)
  • B = v₀ + x₀·ωn (v₀ = initial velocity)

This response provides the fastest return to equilibrium without oscillation.

Overdamped Response (ζ > 1)

Exhibits non-oscillatory decay:

x(t) = A₁·er₁t + A₂·er₂t

Where r₁ and r₂ are negative real roots of the characteristic equation.

Forced Response at Resonance

When forcing frequency approaches natural frequency:

  • Amplitude magnification factor reaches maximum
  • Maximum response occurs at resonant frequency: ωr = ωn·√(1-2ζ²) for ζ < 0.707
  • At resonance, response lags input by 90°
  • For very small damping, resonant frequency ≈ natural frequency

Important Formulas

Natural Frequency

fn = (1/2π) × √(k/m)

Where k is spring stiffness and m is mass

Damping Ratio

ζ = c / (2√(km))

Where c is damping coefficient

Critical Damping Coefficient

cc = 2√(km)

Damping value that produces critical damping (ζ=1)

Damped Natural Frequency

fd = fn × √(1-ζ²)

Only applicable for underdamped systems (ζ < 1)

Amplitude Magnification Factor

AMF = 1 / √[(1-r²)² + (2ζr)²]

Where r is frequency ratio (forcing/natural)

Phase Angle

φ = tan⁻¹(2ζr / (1-r²))

Angle by which response lags behind forcing


Engineering Applications

  • Vibration isolation in machinery
  • Automotive suspension systems
  • Seismic protection of structures
  • Tuned mass dampers in tall buildings
  • Electronic oscillators and filters

Design Considerations

  • Avoid operating near resonant frequencies
  • Add damping to reduce resonance effects
  • Use isolation mounts to prevent vibration transmission
  • Consider critically damped systems for positioning applications

Related Calculator

For time domain analysis and damping behavior, check our Damping Calculator, which provides detailed insights into system response and transient behavior.